i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Friday, April 30, 2010

i got you

hey, did you hear about the one that got away?
they say he looked left, she turned right
meant to be together, but not that night
it's when fate's running late that we tend to make mistakes

it's friday afternoon, and i am so totally not focused on my work. most people love friday afternoons. i, however, hate - loathe - detest - abhor, them. such a tease. it's like you've made it to the weekend, but you really haven't, because you're still at work. so, to help the afternoon move along, i'm planning my house-warming/birthday bash, blogging, and listening to a sweet mix of tunes on grooveshark.

i really don't have anything super important to blog about today. here are some random thoughts for you:

1. the new train album will change your life. it is that incredible. it's called "save me, san fransisco." perfect windows down-sunroof open-singing at the top of your lungs-dancing like a maniac in your car all by yourself music.

2. how do you know when it's too late? is there a point when you should just give it up and let it go? or is it never really too late to fix something? hm. decisions.

3. the veggie quesadillas from wild wings are the bomb. love them.

4. having lunch with a dear friend you haven't seen in a long time is a tremendous blessing and well worth the wait.

5. "you have to learn to entertain yourself" (thanks, mom). ugh. this has not been a fun process to go through. as a person who is 100% social 100% of the time, living alone and being just about the only one of my group of friends who is totally on their own, i've found myself lonely and bored more often than i'd like to admit. however, i'm learning to enjoy "grown up" things more than i thought i would. i like working around my house - painting, planting flowers, organizing, cleaning. i like to cook, and i like to read, and redbox makes for pretty cheap entertainment. it's tough to sometimes sit at home alone on the weekends, but i'm working on enjoying it. if you pray for me, this would be something to remember.

6. people come and go in life. that's another hard lesson to learn.

7. i'm getting my nails done sunday. glory hallelujah! i'm very excited. i love indulging my femininity.

8. one week from today i will be lounging on the beach in edisto. thank you, jesus. THANK YOU.

9. i'm puppy-sitting john's puppy, abbey, this weekend. she's a fluffy little chow/golden retreiver mix. i actually prefer to call her tinkerbell, because when i see her i picture her with a pink tutu on. she just looks like a dog that would be named tinkerbell and wear a pink tutu. john doesn't appreciate it. i don't care. anyway. abbey isn't as sweet as she sounds. she's fiesty and kind of bad and pretty manipulative. huck and abbey play non-stop and very rough. i'm thinking i'll put them in the backyard for most of the weekend. peace and quiet? yes, please.

10. living alone and having nothing to do has lent itself to me getting a LOT of sleep this week. i don't actually like it. i sleep because i have nothing else to do. lame-o.

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