i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Sunday, December 13, 2015

baby on the way

december is finally here! it's hard to believe that my last post was in august, and we had just been matched with our precious birth family. we have diligently been counting down the months, weeks, and now just days until our sweet baby is here. we've been preparing since july 24th, the day we found out we were "paper pregnant." well, really we've been preparing for two-and-a-half very long years. and i, well, i've been preparing to be a mama my whole life. this baby is so loved already. so wanted.. for a very long time this baby was just a distant, far off wish i hoped would come true. and now here we are. just days away from meeting this baby that will change our lives, and our hearts, forever.

this morning as i sat in church, i was suddenly overwhelmed by a thought: this isn't the only baby we are celebrating this christmas season. and this baby certainly isn't the most anxiously awaited baby to ever be born.

come, thou long expected jesus
born to set thy people free
from our fears and sins release us
let us find our rest in thee
israel's strength and consolation
hope of all the earth thou art
dear desire of every nation
joy of every longing heart

i know i've said it many times, but this adoption has taught me so much about my relationship with christ. as much as we have longed for this baby, it is nothing compared to the collective groan and depth of longing the whole of creation cried out with as it waited for the glorious revelation of jesus christ. creation waited once for christ, and he came as a baby in a manger. creation is waiting once again for him, and when he returns - and friend, he will return for us - he will come as a mighty victor.

adoption is an incredible picture of the gospel any time of year, but kenny and i are especially excited that our adoption is happening at christmas. because jesus came, and he himself was adopted by his earthly father, joseph, we are able to be adopted by god our heavenly father.

we could not be more excited to meet our baby. but i am also praying that the lord would not let even the birth of our little one overshadow the birth of the One, the savior king, in our hearts this season. in fact, i really can't think of a better way to begin our journey as parents, than for us to be totally consumed by the joy and glory and mystery of the birth of jesus. this little baby who will be our's will make us parents. it will fill our home with laughter and fun and lots more love. but the baby in the manger makes us holy. redeems us. saves us. the baby in the manger is life-giving.

this baby we're going to meet in a few days won't be the first baby to change our lives.

1 comment:

  1. What great lessons and insightful observations, Ashley. And I agree - I've always thought there is something extra special about having a new baby around Christmas time. It certainly does bring these things to mind. So excited for you and Kenny! Hugs.
