i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Thursday, June 30, 2011

oh, thursday

today has been a ridiculously long day. like, really long. i'm not sure why, because yesterday i was at school for 10 hours, and it flew. today i was there from 7:30 to 3:30, and it crept. and the fact that it's only 5:21. omg.

sin can be so deceptive. sometimes it just out-right looks like sin - and i know it's not a good idea. other times it tricks me. it makes me believe that it's different this time, or it's justified, or it's not that big of a deal. and then you hear somebody say, "you don't believe that, do you, ashley?" uh, well, yeah. i DID. thanks.

paul says in romans that we exchange the truth of god for lies. how often is this true of my own heart? it's baffling to think that i would exchange the TRUTH of god for the LIES of the enemy. why am i so quick to believe that my way is better and that i know best? why do i so easily adopt that god is trying to punish me? why am i eager to think that god really doesn't love me as much as he says he does, so there is no hope for me? i think because deep down i know how absurd it is that he DOES, in fact, love me the way he does. i think it's also because sometimes it's just easier to believe the bad stuff.

i've been thinking of these lyrics today:

she swears that there's no difference
between the lies and compliments
it's all the same if everybody leaves her

being lied to or manipulated hurts, but there is freedom and healing in the power of knowing the one absolute truth, jesus christ. ladies: dig in to TRUTH. it will protect your hearts and your minds if you will let it. that's the knowledge and belief that i'm resting in today. he is true - and he will always be true. he is faithful - and he will always be faithful. he is good - and he will always be good.

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