i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

i always wanted to be immortal...

life's not fair. how many times has somebody told you that? i hear it everytime i call my mom to complain about something that i can't control. there is beauty and truth in that statment:

thank God life is not fair.

if life were fair, we'd all one day get what we deserve: death.

i've been reading the "twilight" series, and i have to admit, i'm obsessed with the books. the stories are the kind that you get so involved in - so wrapped up in - that you feel like you are bella swan and everything happening in her life is happening to you. the love story. well. i have no words to adequately describe just how romantic and beautiful and passionate and resilient bella and edward's love is. that kind of thing just does not exist in real life. but as in every great love story, there is a foe to their great love. edward is a vampire. he's immortal, and he doesn't age. and bella is a very fragile and very mortal human. it tears at my heart just a little even now, even though i know the ending of the story, to think of them ever being separated. i got to thinking about their great love, and how it was certain to be ruined once bella died. edward wouldn't live without her, so he would kill himself (it's very difficult for a vampire to be killed, but it's possible). yet another love story would end in tragedy, because the truth is people don't live forever. i started thinking about this, and trying to put myself in their shoes. if one day, i meet the guy i'm supposed to be with, the guy i find insane, passionate, romantic, heart-fluttering, stomach-butterflying, head-spinning, straight from Jesus love with, i wouldn't be able to bear the thought of losing him. oh, how the Father works in our lives, even through silly romantic novels written for 13 year old girls wearing "team edward" t-shirts and screaming his name when they see him on tv.

Jesus has that same great love for me (even though i don't have it for him all the time). he truly could not bear the thought of existing without me. he loves me that much. i can't even register that in my head. i don't know what it feels like to love like that. i know that i love Jesus, and i can't bear the thought of existing without him, but sometimes i think that's because i fear what my life would like without his hand at work in it - not simply because i love who he is. Jesus just loves me. all the things about myself i don't like, all of my sinful habits, all of my weird little quirks, every freckle, my bug eyes, my cowlick - he just loves me. oh my gosh it just makes me want to cry! and because of the huge and holy and perfect and beautiful love that he has for me, he has made me immortal. he took the sting of death himself. he became my sin himself. he bore the weight of my rebellion himself - all to make me immortal. so that he never has to be without me, and i never have to be without him. my heart is about to leap out of my chest with joy right now! i am immortal! what an amazing truth! that truly takes the fear out of this life: my body may die, but i will not die! i am going to live forever! isn't that what people are after? aren't women seeking ways to prolong their youth and keep their bodies healthy for longevity? aren't men eating less potato chips and more salads so they can live longer? don't we take vitamins and cod liver oil and drink apple cider vinegar and put mud on our faces and other disgusting things to prolong this life? what RELIEF to know that my immortality is won!

"death has been swallowed up in victory. where, o death, is your victory? where, o death, is your sting?"
-1 corinthians 15:54-55

i'm going to live forever! and what's even more beautiful is that if i do meet the man i'm supposed to be with, i'll never have to fear being separated from him - ever. we will be together for eternity. and i have goosebumps. eternity. forever.


"this grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel."
-2 timothy 1:9-10

i have to let this truth settle into my heart again everytime i think about, because i can't really wrap my head around it. Jesus made the superhero, leading man move. he rescued his bride. and now there is life tobe lived and celebrated and relished! that puts me on my face before the One who made the move - who saved the day - who rescued His love.

beat that love story, nora roberts.

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