i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Monday, January 26, 2009

beloved, listen to me

ohh what a monday this has been. i'm sipping a diet coke and pondering the events that have occurred already today. i don't think that my blog is probably the best place to hash out everything, but it's been a crazy morning/early afternoon. nothing bad, really. just lots of weird/big/stressful/frustrating stuff. it's in these moments where i'm just kind of like, "really, God?" that i find it so hard to focus on him. i'd rather pour all of my energy into feeling confused or angry or frustrated instead of searching him out. i feel my forehead scrunched up tight into a frown, and i'd rather just keep it that way than to relax, take a deep breath, and fix my eyes on jesus. but in my quiet time yesterday i read this verse, and i'm just replaying it over and over in my head and my heart like a broken record.

"my eyes are ever on the LORD."
- psalm 25:15

i'm so thankful that i'm surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses. from margaret and sara, to mrs. krause all the way down in florida : ), to my brother and my best friends here in greenville. they do such a good job of praying over me and encouraging me and pointing me to jesus. it's a blessing to be able to go to them with hurts and frustrations and disappointments, because i know they're going to faithfully cover me in prayer.

so as i'm wrestling with a million different thoughts today, "my eyes are ever on the LORD."

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