i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

it's beginning to look a lot like christmas...

it's official: in one month i will begin listening to christmas music!! you have NO idea how happy this makes me! granted, elizabeth and i listened to it last weekend on the way to newspring, but that was just 2 songs, so that doesn't really count. the day after halloween, you better believe that "o holy night" and "so this is christmas" will be flooding the airways of my apartment, car, and office. and i couldn't be more excited. : )

so i need to take a minute to complain about the tragedy that is my inability to run. i've always liked to run (some days more than others), but i didn't start running regularly until 2 summers ago. since then, i run pretty consistently, 3 miles about 4 times a week. and no i do not run the entire way; but most of it. anyway. over this past summer, i started having HORRIBLE shin splints in my left leg. i don't mean 'ouch that kind of hurts,' i mean like when i would get home from running i would be in tears. so my daddy made me stop running for 2 weeks and ice my shin every night. and they went away. so what did i do? i started running again. and i started slow. i walked more than i ran, and i built back up. the SECOND i started running, they were back. eventually i just got ot the point where i would run until i literally couldn't even stand because not one, but BOTH shins were hurting so badly. lately, it's gotten to the point where even when i stop running, they don't feel better: they just hurt all the time. so i'm thinking that's not good. i think it has something to do with my shoes, because since middle school volleyball i've been an asics girl, but i got the nike running shoes with the ipod chip last february. that's a cute little feature and all, but the shoes suck. so i've just ordered new asics that are some kind of amazing technology, and i'm hoping that they fix my problem. until then, i'm stuck on the elliptical in my crummy nikes. ask me how excited about that i am...

this is a funny story: last night i was taking a bubble bath, because i was tired, i had a headache, and i just wanted to relax. so i fill the bathtub up with steaming hot water and lavender bath salts. there were bubbles eeeverywhere. so i'm in my bubble bath, eyes closed, relaxing, and all of a sudden there is a splash! bowden (my cocker spaniel puppy) had jumped into the bathtub!! it was hilarious! and my tub is really tall; it's one of those spa style ones, that's really deep. oh my word, i about died. it was great. so he came out all sudsy, dripping wet, and smelling like a girl. favorite puppy moment yet. : )

this week has gone by fast! i can't believe tomorrow is already wednesday. not that i'm complaining. i'm pretty excited about the weekend. i'm also pretty excited that i only work until 2 on thursday and that i get to wear jeans on friday (an occasion only reserved for moving day at united way). our office is moving to a temporary location while our new office is being renovated. my "office" for the next month will actually be a corner in a conference room at united way main. what fun.

only 7 minutes until i leaveeeeeee!!! accountability tonight. that makes my heart glad. : )

something i'm thinking on today:

"the knowledge of God is very far from the love of Him."
-blaise pascal

1 comment:

  1. All this and no comments!?

    I love Christmas music too! Haha...I sing it year round...normally in hushed tones because of all the glares I get :)

    Did the new running shoes help? I have also read that shin splints can be caused by an inbalance in the muscles. The where the muscles in I guess your calf are getting worked hard and are pulling more on your leg...I think I heard an exercise that compensates is doing stuff like standing on the edge of a step with your toes and raising up and down to work your counter balanced muslces.
