i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

i'll stop the world and melt with you

for most of you who know me, you know that i am a fairly hardcore healthy/organic food eater and that i am a faithful gym goer. i schedule my days around my workout routine, and i usually exercise willpower in the food choices i make. like yesterday, for example. a coworker gave me a reesie cup. one reesie cup. it had 100 calories. it sat, unwrapped, mind you, on my desk all afternoon. i wanted it so bad. but i just couldn't bring myself to eat 2 bites of a reesie cup for 100 calories. so i tossed it. i'm also pretty good about sticking to drinking only water with the exception of an early morning diet coke.

i can't say that i love to workout, because some days i hate it, and the only thing making me go to the gym is that i know elizabeth is going (and we try to fight the good fight together). lately, however, i feel like i have become addicted to the gym. yesterday i only got to burn about 300 calories, and i was itching to get back in there and burn another 300. i've found a routine that works really well for me, and that i enjoy, and that i can mix up and keep interesting. here are some things that work really well for me in the gym and nutrition wise, also:

1. work out in the morning. even if i only have time for 15 or 20 minutes, i try to get up every morning and do something to burn at least 200 calories. it gets me up and moving, kicks my metabolism into gear, and give me energy for the day. if i can get my whole work out in in the morning, that's even better, but usually i don't have time. it also sets me up to make smart eating choices all day, because i've already done a little workout i feel more committed to eating healthy.

2. interval training. i get bored easily, especially in the gym. i can't sit on the elliptical or treadmill for 45 minutes. interval training is great for a person like me, and it also revs up calorie burning faster than if you're just jogging for a straight 30 minutes.

because i suffer from chronic shin splints, i can only do interval training. i walk for 5 minutes at 4. i run for 1 minute at 7, then walk for 1 minute at 4. i do this for 25 minutes. i walk for 5 minutes at 4, slowly decreasing speed to 2.8, to cool down.

my favorite machine! it's so easy on my shins, plus it's a great cardio workout - better than running. little known fact: unless you're running at about a 7 or 8 for more than 30 minutes, you don't burn that many calories. power walking is actually better for you. anyway. on the elliptical i do 6-7 minutes at a really hard pace - i mean i really push it - to burn 100 calories. every 100 calories, i get off and focus on different muscle groups. i'll do a few sets for shoulders, biceps, and triceps. the next time around i'll do squats. i also work in abs and back. i do between 4 and 6 sets of elliptical/weight training.

3. never, ever, ever skip a meal. seriously. if you do nothing else, don't skip a meal. it slows your metabolism waaaay down, and you're creating a bigger problem. if your option is eat a happy meal from mcdonald's or eat nothing, eat the happy meal. you don't want to slow down your metabolism.

4. snack often. obviously i don't mean on candy and cookies. but healthy snacks throughout the day can curb your appetite and help you avoid overeating come meal time. snacks should be about 200 calories and should be high in protein. kashi granola bars, yogurt, and fresh fruit are things i always have in my bag. try to eat something every 2-4 hours. that way you don't become famished and stuff your face with anything in sight. trust me, you will hate yourself after.

5. don't skip a workout. if you've got a workout plan, stick to it. i will rearrange my day if i have to to get in a workout. if you're super busy, try breaking it up into 4 10 minute segments. if you are grouchy one day, force 20 minutes out of yourself and call it a day. the point is: do something. chances are, if you get through those 20 minutes, you can make it through the rest of your regimine.

6. find foods you like and eat them often. i have a few "go-to" foods that are healthy and quick, and i always keep them at home.

steamed veggies:
pre-bagged in the freezer section of the grocery store. they take 5 minutes, are delicious, low in calories, and high in vitamins/nutrious minerals. bake some chicken and you've got a meal.

lean cuisines:
i keep my freezer stocked with these. most have between 200-350 calories. heat one up, make a bag of steamed veggies, and you've got a filling meal (more so than a lean cuisine on its own).

i always have organic greens on hand. i make two variations of salads often. asian salad with mandarin oranges, almonds, sesame seeds, red onions, lo mein noodles and browned chicken with kraft light toasted sesame seed dressing is light and fresh for summer. i also make greek salad with red onions, cucumbers, red peppers, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, and kraft light balsamic vinagrette dressing. both of these are quick and easy recipes. they can also be vegetarian.

7. find healthy friends. get your friends on board with you. help them start exercising and eating healthier, and it'll encourage you to work even harder and eat even healthier. don't let them talk you into splurging every night.

8. treat yourself. don't deny yourself if you truly have a craving for something. eat a little bite and move on. you probably won't gorge yourself later if you have a little treat. this morning i had a chick-fil-a biscuit. it was a nice treat. now i don't need one again for a while.

9. don't weigh yourself constantly. as a woman, i have seen how my weight can fluctuate by pounds daily. so i quit checking every morning. i'll weigh myself every couple of weeks, but i don't freak out. or at least i try not to. i'm healthy. i workout. i eat right. i'm also 6 feet tall. if i'm taking care of myself and working hard and making wise food choices, there's not much else i can do. embrace your body.

10. drink water. once you start drinking water, you'll understand why everybody always said to drink water. i feel so good when i drink water, and so crappy when i don't. the sweetest thing i can drink now is a diet coke, and at times it is even too sweet. water keeps you full, gives you energy, wakes your brain up, and keeps your skin looking glamorous. it also keeps your system moving and flushing out stuff you don't need weighing you down. trust me. drink lots of water.

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