i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Monday, March 16, 2009

monday morning confessions

1. i detest this weather. cold and wet. i don't like cold, wet things. except for snow. and this is definitely NOT snow.
2. i took a 2 hour nap yesterday, and i slept through my alarm for 1 1/2 hours this morning.
3. i really want to live in nashville. all of a sudden saturday night i just got this overwhelming feeling that i wanted to move. which is ridiculous, because i'm so happy where i am. but someday, i want to live in nashville.
4. i need $1900 ASAP to go to tokyo on a mission trip this summer. i have no idea where it's going to come from.
5. yesterday i ate a hamburger for the first time in a year. it was good. now i don't need to eat another one until 2010 sometime.
6. i love my apartment. i mean seriously, it's the cutest little home.
7. i am learning a lot right now. mostly about how i don't need to compare my life to anybody else's (credit mrs. krause for reminding me of this a while back); god's timing is completely perfect (for everything - not just big things); and i can absolutely trust him (read exodus 4 and then see number 4). i feel like these are lessons he has to teach me over and over. i'm just a sheep, though. thank goodness he's a patient shepherd.
8. i like the number 8. i also like 4 and 10.
9. i am going to see duke play in the second round of the ncaa basketball tournament on saturday. i am PUMPED. i love basketball.
10. twilight comes out on dvd on saturday. i will own it as soon as i return from greensboro on sunday. and elizabeth and i will be hosting a twilight viewing party sunday night.
11. seventh grade is an interesting age. fun and sweet in it's own way, but tough.
12. i cannot stand it when people don't pay attention when i'm talking to them. not that what i am saying is that important, but be respectful people.
13. i thouroughly enjoy eating out. and it's totally cheaper for one person to eat out than it is to buy groceries for a bunch of meals i don't eat enough to get my money's worth of.
14. i spent $60 on john mayer cd's over the weekend.
15. because my skin is basically see-through right now, i will be going to get a spray tan next week before the cup.
16. i tried liquid eye liner this morning for the first time in my life. oh dear. this is going to take some practice.
17. my room is a complete and utter disaster area right now. perhaps because i have been gone for the past 4 weekends and will also be gone for the next 2.
18. i love cereal. right now there are 10 boxes in my pantry. no lie.
19. i've enjoyed my short hair, but i'm ready for it to grow out again. hopefully it will be super long by the time katie's wedding rolls around.
20. i genuinely love to sleep. it doesn't matter if i'm tired or not. i could nap all day.
21. my car is also a complete and utter disaster area right now. see 17b.
22. i have not talked to my brother in a week.
23. i burned off my cowlick with my straightener. yeahhh.
24. i have a problem with plain band-aids. right now i have disney princess tatoo ones.
25. i love gingerale.

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