i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

summertime and the livin's easy

scorching temperatures and 100% humidity aside, i love summer. i always have. summer in the south - especially summer in a small, southern town - is magic. here's why:

lightening bugs
being caught in the rain unexpectedly
a cold beer sitting on the deck at edisto
sunset at 9 pm
the way the sunshine looks through the rain during an aftenoon storm
star gazing
staying up late
humid nights spent outside
tan lines and sunburn
coming in from being on the water all day - sunburned, exhausted, hungry, and freezing
being on the water
sitting in a chair right in the surf with a cold diet coke, my ipod, and a good book
the smell of salty air
the beach breeze
standing in the surf as the tide comes up and buries my feet
baseball games at night
sun on my face = less make up
beach hair - salty water and humid air = extra curly
afternoon naps
reading good books
hot leather seats in my car
shade from weeping willows
sunshine through tree-lined streets - it looks like a stained-glass window
live music at la fiesta
edisto week
golf carts
boys in fishin shirts
windows down, sunroof open, and the AC on full blast singing crazy loud to old john mellancamp
grilling out
geraniums and ferns on front porches
my birthday
downtown greenville
coral nail polish
country music, country music, and more country music - particularly coming from big trucks
the cutlass
counting the seconds between thunder and lightening
mason jars
the fourth of july
sweet tea so sweet it's more like syrup
the smell of a grill
tomato sandwiches on white bread that sticks to the roof of your mouth with mayonnaise, salt, and pepper
the smell of freshly cut grass

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