i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Monday, July 11, 2011

soul mates

there's a "sex and the city" quote that i have always loved:

"maybe our girlfriends are our soul mates, and men are just these great things to have fun with."

i have so many great girl friends. lately, the lord has been using them in my life for different purposes, and he's been revealing those purposes to me.

elizabeth - she gets it. whatever "it" is, she understands, because we're at similar places in life. i'm never scared or embarassed to tell her something, because i know that when i share it, she'll say, "OMG! ME TOO!" i really don't know what i'd do without her to cry with, laugh with, go on dates with, go to weddings with, and basically do everything with (because everyone else has a boyfriend). she is truly my sister (her dad, afterall, calls me d3). when i need to be myself and laugh and cry and just be real, liz is my girl.

sara - my soul sister. nobody in the world knows my heart like this girl. nobody. she understands me and can finish my thoughts. she can explain me to me better than i can. the lord has been so gracious and good to give me sara giffin as a best friend, sister in christ, and accountability partner. she meets me with such encouragement, grace, humility, and gentle correction. i am unbelievably thankful for her. when i need to talk about deep stuff - love and life and jesus - or when i need to drink a glass of wine and be silly - when i need somebody to sing with - or when i need somebody to just help me clear my head - sara is who i call (or skype).

valerie - she understands my crazy. valerie is the friend that will spend the night with me when i'm scared, clean out my refrigerator, feed my dogs and water my plants, listen to me cry, let me have temper tantrum, and stand up for me no matter what. i'm thankful for her loyalty. i'm thankful that when i'm screaming and talking in circles and making no sense, that she gets me and somehow manages to make me feel a little less nuts. i need valerie when i need to sort out my life without judgement, questions, or lectures.

jaime - jaime is my even-tempered, honest friend. she and i have a great friendship that consists of red wine, chocolate ice cream, and good conversation. we're polar opposites in a lot of ways, but i admire jaime's unmovable faith, quiet strength, and the way she asserts herself. she's not afraid of anything, and i wish i was more like her in a lot of ways.

jennifer - gray's girlfriend. i've come to see her as my sister. this sweet girl knows how to encourage like nobody else i know. i'm not sure how at 25 (and 6 feet tall) it's possible for me to look up to a 21 year old who's 5'4", but i do. she is never without a kind word, and she points me to christ every single time i talk to her. she is also hilarious. and we are also pretty ridiculous when we're together - you know, dressing up in patriotic, lady liberty costumes, taking lots of pictures, ganging up on gray, and making friendship bracelets. i'm so thankful for her selfless heart and sweet spirit.

shelby - good grief, i love this girl. who woulda thought that after college we would be roommates? and much less grow to be such close friends! shelby is my no-nonsense friend. she holds me accountable and doesn't care if it makes me mad. i love it. i don't love having to confess things to her sometimes, but i love that she is honest and does not spare words for the sake of my pride. in fact, the day she told me, "you need to get in the word, because i've seen what happens when you don't," i kind of wanted to hit her. but then i realized how much she must love me to call me out like that. shelby is also my go-to spaghetti eater. we had so many bonding moments over a plate of steaming hot noodles. i'm grateful for her friendship.

the lord knows my heart so well. it's so amazing how he has put women in my life for different purposes, with diffrent personalties, to teach me differet things. i am so, so thankful for the godly girls who love me and build me up and hold me accountable and let me be crazy.

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