i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Saturday, December 24, 2011

oh, hey, blog

so it's been a while. longer than a while, actually. it's been 5 months.

it's funny what a different place i'm in today, on december 24, than i was on july 12. very different place indeed.

there are seven days left in 2011. just seven. at the onset of a new year, it seems like eternity before christmas and the approach of yet another new year. but once christmas hits, i always - without fail - look back and wonder how in the world it's come again so soon.

i have much to be thankful for. but mostly i am thankful for the sweet little jesus boy who was born in a manger, grew up to be a carpenter, who went to the cross and took the nails for me so that when i look back over 2011, i don't have to look back with regret. his wounds heal the hurt of my mistakes and my regrets and my disappointments. i'm thankful that i don't have to look forward with fear. his resurrection secured my hope and my joy not matter what this new year holds.

happy, happy christmas, friends. delight in the lord this holiday season.

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