i think Jesus would rather reign in a wild stallion than kick a dead horse any day.
-lysa terkeurst

Sunday, July 27, 2014

if you lay down with dogs...

you're gonna get fleas. for some reason that phrase just seems like a great title for this post.

if you've read any of my previous posts - or if you know me in person - you know that i have, how shall i say...strong opinions. i have a lot of thoughts on a lot of topics, and i'll be the first to admit that i don't like when people disagree with me (i'm working on this, okay?). i know this is pride in my life, and i know it's sinful. like i said, i'm working on it. well, technically, jesus is working on it. i'd be happy to be right all my life. :)

that said, i have some thoughts on twenty-something christians and their apathy towards the church. before i jump in, let me clear this up: the church i am referring to is not the brick building with a steeple that we visit a couple of times a week (or month...or year). the church is the capital c Church - the body of christ - believers. i have been mulling over these next few thoughts for years - this is not a new thing for me, and i really believe that my heart for youth ministry is an extension of the way i see these things. like i usually say before i begin to share my opinion: i do not have all of this figured out. i have been so fortunate to be surrounded by people who have taught me so much about the things i'm about to write on - people who have challenged me, held me accountable, called me out when necessary, and helped grow in me a love for god's word. i'd also like to point out that these are attitudes i, too, have been guilty of at one time or another; i am ALWAYS writing to myself, too. i don't pretend to be above reproach. *end of disclaimer*

1. apathy towards church attendance: i don't really know what causes people to think it's okay to skip church (remember, i'm speaking to believers here). vacation - sure. illness - sure. family situation - sure. what i don't understand is the "i can worship god from the lake" excuse. or, "but god is so real to me in nature." uh, sure he is. he made it. he is very present in nature. but, like i've already mentioned, church isn't about going to a building. church is about being with the Church - being with believers. the bible calls us to not forsake gathering together - to encourage each other - to build each other up - to pray for each other - to worship together - to sit under corporate teaching together. when we are out of the habit of doing these things, we are not living in biblical community. there is no accountability. there is no fellowship. there is no intersection of lives, relationships, hearts, ministries, etc. get your butts up, and go to church.

2. apathy towards church involvement: it always amazes me the people who sit back and whine about what's going on in the church. ummm, where were you when plans were being made, people were being put in charge, and changes were implemented? at home? in bed? napping? i thought so. quit complaining. the bible teaches us that believers have been equipped BY god's grace FOR god's glory with certain spiritual gifts. if you are a believer, you have at least one gift, probably several. you don't have an excuse. you have something to offer - somewhere to serve. here's the other thing - our good and gracious god WANTS to use us to further his kingdom. he wants us to be involved - to work alongside him. but he will work and accomplish his will without us. but why wouldn't we want to get in on this?! everybody wants to be good at something - to belong - to be apart of something. that's human nature. well, good news, my friend. if you are in christ, you have been gifted in some way. you are valued. you are wanted. allow the lord to hone your skills - direct your ministry - perfect this gift he's given you - and be a part of the most exciting work that will ever be. don't waste your life.

3. apathy towards other believers: this is perhaps the most annoying of these issues for me personally. yall, we are supposed to be all up in each other's lives. i don't mean we're supposed to be nosey, gossip-driven, busybodies. that's the absolute wrong idea. we are called to very tangibly represent jesus' love to other people - and we are to show preference to other believers. you are not meant to walk this life alone. we need to allow ourselves - our lives - to get messy, be inconvenienced, and purposefully get in each other's way. we can talk for hours about things that don't matter: sports, TV shows, video games, recent movies, new products, that cute dress you got on sale at macy's. those things don't edify - they don't build up - they don't push us towards christ. are we talking about things that matter? are we intentionally asking each other about our walks? our prayer lives? our sin struggles? our victories? do we know what's going on beyond "hey, how are you?" "hey, i'm good, how are you?" think of someone you talk to regularly. recall your last conversation. what did you talk about? did you ever once talk about something kingdom related? the cross bridges the gaps in our lives - race, gender, denomination, spiritual gifts, interests, family make-up, age, etc. our lives should regularly intersect. our relationships should be meaningful. our hearts should be knitted together.

4. apathy towards spiritual maturity: maybe i lied. this may be the most annoying issue for me. nothing cramps my style more than seeing a believer who has been a believer for years still needing to be fed milk from a bottle. i probably should have just started with this one, because if this one issue was resolved all of the others would follow suit. people: stop settling for milk when there is MEAT to be had! translation: stop being a baby. get serious about your faith. get serious about learning about doctrine and theology and scripture. get serious about forming your personal theology (note: i do not mean making up what you believe by picking and choosing from scripture). get serious about knowing christ. get serious about learning the history of our faith. get serious about sharing your faith. get serious about accountability - seeing victory over sin. get serious about growth. get serious about hearing the word and then doing what it says. there is only so far you can go on this faith journey when you're content to be lukewarm and superficial. grow up.

i think that's about enough of my soapbox for today. get some passion, people!! pray for it - ask for it - long for it - and then trust that jesus will flood your heart with it! when he does - love him more, love his word more, love his people more. and ACT on it. do something about it!

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